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Add locus to Chrome if you haven't already.
Restart Chrome
Restart Chrome for installation to take effect.
Pin the Extension
1. Click on the extension menu on the top right of Chrome
2. Find locus in the dropdown of extensions and toggle on the pin
Get Started
1. Navigate to a webpage with text (like a news article, blog post, or online textbook)
2. Wait for locus to load the page
3. Start searching!
Keyboard Shortcut
To activate locus with a keyboard shortcut, such as CMD+SHIFT+F, do the following.
1. Navigate to chrome://extensions/shortcuts
2. Find locus
3. Click the pencil edit icon
4. On your keyboard, press 'CMD+SHIFT+F' (mac) or 'CTRL+SHIFT+F' (windows) to set the shortcut.
5. Restart Chrome for changes to take effect.
6. The extension will now activate every time you hit the keyboard shortcut pattern.